A Festival of Flowers

Presented by the Galway Flower and Garden Club


FRI 5th – SUN 7th MAY 2017
OPEN: Fri & Sat: 10 am – 6 pm
Sun: 1 pm – 6 pm
Admission €8

OFFICIAL OPENING: Fri 5th May at 7 pm with “The Bluebirds” singers & Wine & Cheese Reception Admission €10

CONCERT : Sun 7th May at 7 pm Cois Cladaigh & The Headford Youth Jazz Ensemble Admission €10


Time To Act: The True Story of Medical Teams in Syria

Dear friends
When we see devastating reports coming from Syria, people often ask me what the truth is and what is happening on the ground. This has been the hardest video to make, not just for me but for our team reliving these events.

There may be many things that we can’t change as individuals, but there are so many things that we can change when we work together. The time and contributions we put in when we get involved may be small acts on our parts, but to the people we are supporting they can mean the difference between life and death, the difference between carrying their burdens alone or knowing that we are standing beside them, or the difference between feeling they have no voice or knowing that people are speaking on their behalf.

Ultimately, our contribution is hope.

Time is life. We all have the opportunity to be a little part of a much bigger picture. Everything we do makes a difference, however large or small. If you are moved by the things you are seeing I would ask you to do three simple things:

1 Watch the video above
2 Share this video
3 Get involved

The people in Syria need our support. We can all make a difference when we work together in response to a problem.

This is the truth.

HELP US FUNDRAISE http://www.samarasaidappeal.org/fundraise/
GIVE http://www.samarasaidappeal.org/giving/
FIND OUT MORE http://www.samarasaidappeal.org/our-hospitals/

The good news is that I can finally confirm that we now have our own bank accounts, we are also now registered with HMRC for gift aid, and we now have a new online giving platform which does not charge any admin fees to process donations or claim gift aid for us. I have also updated the giving forms on the website, so all forms should now direct payments to our new accounts with Reliance Bank.

If you would like to organise a fundraising event in support of our projects, you can visit our pages on BT Mydonate through the giving page on our website, also from our medical aid pages and our orphans and widows page. If you are are keen to raise support for one of these specific causes you can create your own fundraising page directly from these pages. If you already have a page set up through Everyday Hero, this will remain live until your event has finished.

Thank you for your support.

